Hi there! Community Improvement Service (CIS) Club is a non-profit based in San Francisco established in 2009. We are dedicated to help people of all ages, ethnicities/races and cultural backgrounds. We hope to not only find volunteer opportunities for our members and officers while having fun, but also to build a heart-warming community. Members will not only get the chance to make friends with other Lowell CIS members but also meet volunteers from CIS clubs in other schools. We wish to build an environment where everyone is included and will improve together. The ultimate goal of CIS is to serve the community and help people around us! Join us every other Saturdays at 8:00PM on Zoom to take part!
Meetings Biweekly Friday, 3:50PM in Room 336
Contact Email: [email protected] Instagram: lowellcis Club Officers President: Jocelyn Chen VP: Joanna Li