Hello Lowell! We are the South Asian Club. We celebrate our school's diversity through the teaching culture of South Asian: India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, and Maldives. We are not just a club, we are a community of people bound together by a diversity of cultural traditions. We provide a safe and inviting environment where people can express themselves, talk about their cultures, participate in engaging activities, and more. Some of our activities consist of learning cultural dances, watching movies, debates on South Asian politics and discrimination, eating authentic food, and doing henna. With a warm and welcoming hug, we invite EVERYONE to our meetings, which are held every other Friday at 3:45 in room 257. Meetings: Friday at 3:45 in room 257 Contact Instagram: @lowellsouthasianclub
Officers President- Pashangkusha Sardar and Amiya Stroumza Vice President- Chaya Ettenson Secretary- Asher Rao Public Relations- Rima Miah