Officer Positions and Job Descriptions
The President helps plan events with administration during/after school, maintains good relations between administration and S&S, meets with coordinators of events, prepares for and head S&S in events (i.e. Graduation, Freshmen Orientation), prepares job assignments for members during events. President must have been a member of Shield and for at least one semester.
Elections Vice President
The Elections Vice President runs the incoming member elections, leads/recruits an elections committee, and holds informational meetings for interested potential S&S members. The Elections Vice President must be a junior incumbent member of the Spring Elections Committee.
Records Vice President
The Records Vice President compiles attendance during all mandatory events and meetings, keeps track of how many mods members have completed, makes sure that all members are on track towards gaining graduation recognition.
Treasury Vice President
The Treasury Vice President buys needed supplies, acts as the Executive Board’s financial advisor, gets donations, manages the Shield & Scroll account, and gets grants from the PTSA and Alumni Association to help fund the operations of Shield and Scroll.
Secretaries aid the Presidents in paperwork/filing when necessary, may manage mod opps, keep track of all posted mod opps and keep members updated on the number of mods requested. There are two secretaries at any given term.
Public Relations
The Public Relations coordinates all of the society’s official bulletins, act as the liaison between faculty and the Executive Board after the completion of non-mandatory worker requests, and presents a report on the proceedings at officer meetings.